
Tag: Denise Coco

GEOPOLITICA ISSN 2009-9193 Vol IX n. 1-2/2020 Indice e Abstracts

Articoli On Tragedies and Great Delusions. John J. Mearsheimer and Geopolitics SU TRAGEDIE E GRANDI ILLUSIONI. JOHN J. MEARSHEIMER E LA GEOPOLITICA Corrado Stefanachi Università Statale di Milano ABSTRACT The article concerns the geopolitical dimension of John J. Mearsheimer’s “offensive realism”, arguing that the geopolitical ideas set out in Mearsheimer’s latest book The Great Delusion: Liberal Dreams and International Realities (2018) partly differ from the geopolitical thought outlined in The Tragedy of Great Power Politics (2001), by far his most ambitious theoretical work. The article affirms that, while Tragedy offered a geopolitical structuralism which focused exclusively on (global) space, Great Delusion is interested also in place(s). In Tragedy Mearsheimer regards geogra...