GEOPOLITICA ISSN 2009-9193 Vol X n. 1-2/2021 – La Cina e il Mondo – Indice e Abstracts
Relations between People's China and Taipei and the reunification proposals put forward by Beijing from 1949 to 2016 I rapporti tra Cina popolare e Taipei e le proposte di riunificazione avanzate da Pechino dal 1949 al 2016 Rodolfo Bastianelli Analista geopolitico ABSTRACT We examine the reunification proposals put forward by People's China towards Taiwan from 1949 to 2016, the year of election of the pro-independence exponent Tsai Ing-wen under whose presidency relations between the two banks of the Strait worsened significantly. The analysis describes the policies adopted by Beijing and the proposals to reunite the island with People's China followed by Chinese leaders in four distinct periods: the first is from 1949, the year of the conquest of power by Mao's ...