
Tag: Berik Mirmanov



Current Issue
L’EUROPA E IL SUO FUTURO NEL NUOVO ORDINE GLOBALE - EUROPE AND ITS FUTURE IN THE NEW GLOBAL ORDER Il presente numero di GEOPOLITICA – curato da Tiberio Graziani e Filippo Romeo – raccoglie articoli e saggi utili al progresso degli studi di geopolitica nell’ambito della discussione intorno all’Unione Europea e al suo destino, contribuendo a qualificare il dibattito in corso.Questo numero di GEOPOLITICA è pubblicato con il patrocinio di:Società Italiana di Geopolitica – progetto di Vision & Global Trends This issue of GEOPOLITICA – edited by Tiberio Graziani and Filippo Romeo – collects articles and essays useful for the advancement of geopolitical studies in the context of the discussion around the European Union and its destiny, contributing to qualify the ongoing debate, bo...
GEOPOLITICA Vol XII n. 1/2023 – L’Asia centrale nella ridefinizione degli equilibri mondiali

GEOPOLITICA Vol XII n. 1/2023 – L’Asia centrale nella ridefinizione degli equilibri mondiali

Articoli Trade and investment in Central Asia, Martino Castellani, Director, Italian trade Office of Almaty, Kazakhstan ABSTRACT Central Asia is a region with vast resources and a high potential. It consists of five countries, which have both much in common and many differences. The article aims to study the main lines of trade and investments in Central Asia and see who the main foreign players are. It will delve briefly into the similarities and differences between the different countries, give a brief economic comparison between them and provide information to reason about the influence these factors might have on politics, but without carrying out a political analysis. Finally, it will discuss the economic structure of the most relevant of these countries, Kazakhstan, a...