

The evolution of the concepts of “border” and “frontier” in geopolitics, international law and international relations


History and evolution of the concept of border and frontier and related case studies and practical applications

Submission deadlines:

Abstract in English: 15 September 2024

Article: 15 January 2025

Publication date: June 2025

The concepts of border and frontier have been central to geopolitical theory, international law and the study of international relations. This issue of GEOPOLITICA aims to explore the multiple dimensions of these concepts, tracing their historical evolution and examining their relevance and transformation in contemporary academic research and practical applications.

Submission Topics:

We invite original research articles, case studies, and reviews that address the following topics:

  • Historical perspectives on border/frontier concepts and applications:
    • Border and frontier in Geography and Geopolitics
    • Evolution of the concepts of Border and Frontier from ancient times to the modern era
    • Impact of definitions of border and frontier in colonial and postcolonial processes
  • Theoretical approaches in geopolitics:
    • Classic and contemporary geopolitical theories on the theme of the Border and the Frontier
    • The role of the Border/Frontier in strategic doctrines and geopolitical thought
  • International law and border/frontier disputes:
    • Legal precedents and frameworks governing border/border disputes
    • The role of international organizations in border/border arbitration
  • International relations and border/frontier policy:
    • Border/border politics in global diplomacy
    • Influence of borders/frontiers in conflicts and international cooperation
  • Technological and methodological advances:
    • New methodologies for the study of borders/frontiers in geopolitics
    • Technological impacts on security and border/frontier management
  • Cultural and social dimensions:
    • Cultural identity and its relationship with the border/frontiers
    • Social impacts of border/frontier changes and border management on local populations
  • Economic aspects of the border/frontier:
    • Economic theories relating to border/frontier areas
    • Trade, resources and economic development in border/frontier regions


  • Articles must be original, not previously published and not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
  • Length not to exceed 70,000 characters (including spaces)
  • Submissions must comply with the journal’s formatting and ethical guidelines.
  • For any information on the guidelines, consult:

Review Process:

All articles will undergo the peer review process. Authors are invited to submit original research articles, reviews, case studies, and theoretical and methodological questions that meet the scientific standards of the journal. Proposals must be well grounded in the relevant literature; clearly articulate the contribution to the advancement of studies relating to the field of geopolitics. Manuscripts must comply with the following format:

  • Title
  • Author(s)
  • Affiliation of the author(s)
  • Short CV of the author(s)
  • Abstract (in English): No more than 250 words, summarizing the methodology, findings and significance of the study.
  • Three key words (in English)
  • Introduction: A comprehensive review of the context and objectives of the study.
  • Methodology: Detailed description of the research, data sources and analytical techniques.
  • Results: Clear presentation of the results, supported where necessary by appropriate statistical analyses and visual aids.
  • Discussion: Interpretation of results, implications for theory and practice, and potential limitations.
  • Conclusion: Summary of the results and their impact on the field of geopolitics.

Please send articles to: Tiberio Graziani –

Contacts: For further information, contact the Director Tiberio Graziani at